Update Corner 


February 5, 2009

Hey guys!

Well, the site seems a little bland, so I decided to make a new project! On the project, it says that you can add your username in the comment area, to be added to the Fan Page on the site. It also says that if you have a site related to Scratch, or a series you created on Scratch, then you can write the link in the comment area, and I'll put a link to it on the homepage!

Another thing, I can't create Issue 15, until people submit some wackouts, interviews, and everything else on the issues. So, everyone send things in!

You can be interviewed here, and the project can be found here.



January 24, 2009
BIG update!

The update includes:
* Issue 14
* Fan Page
* Weekly Poll

I also added 'Other Scratcher's Sites' to the top of the homepage! So if you have a Scratch Site, leave a comment in the gallery!
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January 23, 2009
I decided to make a little update corner on the site. Do you like it?

This part of the site will contain updates on the site, and where I will make excuses tell you why I haven't gotten the next issue out. I will also leave links to the areas I have updated, so if I have updated the weekly poll, then I will leave a link. I'll probably add more things that will be on the update area, but for now my brain is dead, so I can't think of anything else to put.

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